Sunday, July 6, 2014


The flipped coach

what is flipped coaching

In this post I was introduced to flipped coaching. During my time in EDM310 I was introduced to flipping the classroom so I was used to the idea. Flipped Coaching is similar; the idea is that the coach is to use video to enhance the students learning before they actually enter the field or classroom setting. The core of the concept is to maximize all class time to practice skills or activities. As a future PE coach I always faced the problem of how to use technology in the classroom or on the field. The Flipped Coach is a site where knowledge of using tools and technology is given to future and present educator in the Physical education field and Coaching. 

flipping your coaching review session

In this post I learned how to flip a coaching review session. Coaches can use a great amount of time going over film and making corrections to the techniques and problems that occurred in previous games or practice. The idea is uploaded at a review session in which players can hold team meetings are watch independently online. The coach will use video of the practice and use a voice over to make suggestions for corrections. Flipped Coach is a great site for up and coming coaches and brings in great ideas.

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