Monday, July 28, 2014

Part 2 Blog post 5 PLN

From the beginning of class to now my PLN has grown a bit. After watching countless minutes of youtube video and reading hours of blogs and leaving comments, my circle of networking and communication with other future and present teachers has developed more. Your PLN should included things or people that share the same ideas as you and can benefit towards your growth in being a forever learner. My network includes things like the EDM310 classroom blog, Flipped Coaching, and other things that I have ran across this semester in EDM310.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Blog Post #13 What did I leave out?

What Can I Learn From First Time Teachers?

In this Blog you will locate two sources that can be used for gaining knowledge on first time teachers experince or resources that can be used in teaching. You can use a website link or video that express the ideas or feelings of being a new teacher. Your blog should explain the source and mention what you learned from it.
Teachers are Learners too

In this Video Interview, Mrs. Brittney Clay talks about what to expect during her first year teaching and what she has done to prepare for the first day of school. Mrs. Clay mentioned how her first impression of teaching was “what have I got myself into”. She then mentions that she was really excited but nervous. She then talks about how she was blessed to have the teacher before her who left a lot of school supplies and things she could use in her classroom. One thing she herself had to do was go out and purchase things to help her classroom look educational and student friendly. The first thing she said was important to her was getting to know her student and the parents. One thing she did that I thought was beneficial for her was try to hold an event with an open house setting where students and parents could come in and see the class room and meet her before the first day of school. What I learned from Mrs. Clay was that time and time management is very important. She teaches on the elementary level and she said she has to always look at the clock and remember when the students are suppose to be at lunch, recess, etc. Her final statement was one I thought was very important. Mrs. Clay states that her long-term goal for her first year was to help her students learn to be learners. She wants by the end of the year to have made a difference in her student lives and have helped them advance to the next grade and continue to learn.
Reading Counts is a great source for first time teachers. After exploring the site I found many ways it could be great for a new teacher as well as a teacher who are looking for new ideas. The site has detailed lesson plans from grades Pre-K-12. It has tabs for; resources and tools, strategies and ideas, student activities as well as books and authors. Inside each tab you have a range of options to choose from. From Math, History, to English, every subject had lessons and things that could be done at all levels of learning. One thing I found very interesting was the reading under the stars challenge. This is a challenge in which teachers could log in their class and track each students reading progress of how many minutes they are reading. When I was on the site the last total minutes read by the world was at 180,587,159. One thing I learned from this site is that there are many ways to teach a lesson and there are resources out there to help first time teachers. As a future educator this site will be very useful and I think it is a great tool for any teacher.

Sunday, July 6, 2014


The flipped coach

what is flipped coaching

In this post I was introduced to flipped coaching. During my time in EDM310 I was introduced to flipping the classroom so I was used to the idea. Flipped Coaching is similar; the idea is that the coach is to use video to enhance the students learning before they actually enter the field or classroom setting. The core of the concept is to maximize all class time to practice skills or activities. As a future PE coach I always faced the problem of how to use technology in the classroom or on the field. The Flipped Coach is a site where knowledge of using tools and technology is given to future and present educator in the Physical education field and Coaching. 

flipping your coaching review session

In this post I learned how to flip a coaching review session. Coaches can use a great amount of time going over film and making corrections to the techniques and problems that occurred in previous games or practice. The idea is uploaded at a review session in which players can hold team meetings are watch independently online. The coach will use video of the practice and use a voice over to make suggestions for corrections. Flipped Coach is a great site for up and coming coaches and brings in great ideas.


kids using the iPad

Ipad fluency in kindergarten

In this post Sylvia explain how kindergarten students are beginning to use iPads with a more educational approach. She is teaching the students that there is more to the iPad then just apps. Using math, writings, and video to enhance the students learning while still allowing them to enjoy the use of the iPad. Sylvia ideas is that iPads are more than what they have become and that games are not the only source of fun. Kids are into technology and if it is used correctly learning can become entertaining again.

We don't need more leaders

In Sylvia's post titled "We don't need anymore leaders" she discusses the importance of there being more "first time followers" in society. The video showed a young man dancing in a crowd by himself representing the leader. A young man courageously joins him therefore becoming the first time follower. The leader proudly and publicly embraces him making the dance about them both rather then him alone.

This happens in society a lot, in the workplace, classrooms, etc. So many people want to be the leader and not the follower simply because the don't want to be the odd one out or they want to soak up all the  glory. However, being a follower, more importantly a first time follower is important. Being courageous enough to make that step can be more valuable then being the leader. I do believe that it is an under-appreciated form of leadership. Without the followers, a leader wouldn't be much of a leader at all. Who would they lead?

Project 10 Interview

Blog Post #11

 What can we learn about teaching and learning from these teachers?

Brain Crosby-Back to the future 

 As a future teacher I think these videos were very beneficial. From them we can learn how teaching is transforming, evolving, and how students are reacting to that change. Students are going into a generation of learning that involves Project based learning which is based off of communication and connecting with others. From Brian Crosby we can learn that projects can become an important way to get students attention and allow them to share their finding through blog post. From his project we learn that students can become teachers themselves when helping other students complete the activity they posted on their blog. From the balloon project the students saw how powerful communicating and connecting could be. 

21st Century Learning

Making thinking visible By: Mark Church 

Project Based Learning By: Dean Shareski 

From Mark Church we learn to make thinking visible. This means take what students are thinking and collaborating on and give it an audience. From Dean Shareski we learn a new style of teaching. We learned how three teachers came together with teaching fields of English, history and computer technology. I thought it was so creative for them to put together their ideas and still cover the states curriculum.

Roosevelt Elementary's PBL program 

 Last be not least, the last and most interesting thing we can learn came from Roosevelt Elementary’s PBL program. In this video we learn that kids are working with PBL and are having fun while doing so. We also got the parents perspective on how they felt about PBL. The parents were all proud of the work their kids were learning and happy that their learning experience was being shared around the world. One of the things I thought was interesting was the fact that the parents mentioned project based learning is helping their kids with public speaking. I never looked at PBL as a tool to help students get over the fear of speaking in front of an audience. Overall we can take a lot away from these teachers. We learn the basics of Project based learning, how it is used, how students feel about it and also how parents like it. We learn that technology is changing education and that this change will lead to new styles of teaching. Most of all we learn that Project based learning is the future and we must be prepared to teach using it. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Blog Post #10

Ms. Cassidy's Class

 Ms. Cassidy is a kindergarten teacher in Canada and she teaches technology in her classroom. Her students are using blogs and have their own personal computer in the classroom. In her class her students talk about how they like it when people leave them comments on their blog and how its not nice to leave bad comments. Ms. Cassidy has her own webpage for the students to access where they can click on links that would take them to class material. She has a very interesting concept that technology is here and it is here to stay. She believes that as teacher if you are not trying to learn how to use technology in the classroom you will begin to handicap yourself as well as the students.

 Ms. Cassidy's best advice for me was that in a classroom you should use whatever tool or technology is best for you and the students. Say for example, if the students are into writing you can use the blog post approach to learning. If the students learn more from video you can use the YouTube approach. I learn that there is not a specific way to teach to reach your students. What is important is that you try different teaching methods and continue to use the one that the students positively and academically respond to.

 If I were to choose a way of using technology in my PE class it would be using daily YouTube videos. I believe once students see a certain skill or activity done it can motivate them to at least give it a try. The more they see it and then record themselves doing it the more they can point out what’s wrong with their skill. Something I may encounter with this approach is how would I be able to video all the students individually. By using this approach it will be very time consuming but I think it can be a great way to teach students in a physical education classroom. For example if we are working on free throws I can pull up a clip of someone explaining the skill. Later we will try that skill and everyone will be recorded. The next day we can evaluate who had good free throw technique and who needs more practice. I love the idea of using video and I think it would be great for a PE setting.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Blog Post 9

What Can Teachers and Students Teach Us About Project Based Learning?

Teachers and students can teach us a lot about project-based learning. The teachers are daily working with lesson plans involving activities that can enhance the student’s knowledge. Project based learning is used by giving students a driven question that causes them to research answers then eventually ask more question. What we learn from teachers is that project based learning is valuable. It makes the students work meaningful and helps them feel like they serve a purpose in their education.

What we learn from students about Project-based learning is that it is fun. With using tools like blogs, Google docs, wiki, computers and ipad it makes it more interesting to the students. No more pens, pencil, paper, and books; a Project Based Learning classroom is full of technology. From the students we can learn that they love to see their work shared and viewed by the world.
Here are a few links that gives an example of what Project Based Learning can do and how kids are motivated to learn.

In this video you can see what life is without project based learning. You see this girl going through the routine class where the teacher is teaching and the rest of the class is listening or falling asleep. The teacher is explaining something in math but who really cares, it’s boring. The student then dreams about a classroom setting where the teacher is using technology and every student has a laptop. In this dream you can see sharing of information, collaborating and communicating. Even the teacher is more excited and teaching using a more hands on approach. In the end the video says make the dream of PBL a reality.

This video focus was on what motivates students and what rewards work. The video showed about five students talking about how they are each motivated to learn. One student motivation was to make good grades to go to college, another one was the fact that if he didn’t make good grades he wouldn’t be able to do the things he loved. One interesting motivation was a student felt motivated by being praised or acknowledge by the teacher in front of the class. In the end the video talks about what students like as rewards or what teachers uses as rewards. It mostly came down to teachers using some type of token or cash system. Some teacher gave out gifts and some let students do fun activities before or during class.

Project 12A SmartBoard Instructions

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Project 9 Book Discussion

Project 14 Lesson Plan #2

In this project students will do a variety of activates and learn lessons on the importance of what they eat. The tittle of this project is "My Pyramid/Balanced meal". Over a week span the students will be engaging in creating their own personal pyramid and also making a rap video explaining the different food groups. The students final projects will be posted outside the class room as well as on the web. Each student will post a daily journal on their blog site which has to included one picture from something they learned during the lesson. This lesson will involve critical thinking along with working with others.

Essential Checklist

Monday, June 23, 2014

C4Ta #1

(Just found this C4T in my Drafts)!!!!!! 


In this post Mr. Wickens is at a conference at Loughborough University. He is presenting new ideas on how technology can be used in physical education. He brings up topics like drop box and the future of education. He believes that 84-85% of 11-18 year olds own a hand held device. Mr. Wickens is all for using technology and media to connect and share information around the world. He believes that teacher should be trained to use technology because in the future technology will be the driving force behind education.


In this post Mr. Wickens has just read about how google chrome could be used in someone else blog. He then decides to post how he feels about the tool and shares information on how it could be used in education. He mentions that google chrome can help personalize your online experience. Tools like google drive provides contact with many people to share information for learning. He also likes how the tools allows you to set up bookmarks for your social media. This was just a start for what Google chrome had to offer. Mr. Wickens believe it is growing  and it will be used in education daily. 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

C4Tp #2

"Broadening Horizons" Summary

Sylvia's blog was about her teaching career and how the end of the year meant some shift in her job whether it be location, grade, position, etc. She happily announced her change in location. Sylvia will move to Brazil and focussing on Graded's Middle School in São Paulo, Brazil. She will not only face a change in location but culture as well. I find it enlightening and necessary that she is currently using all her resources to better prepare and acquaint herself with Brazil by visiting, using apps, listening to vid cast and podcasts? Making a bucket list, etc. I also found it interesting that she found it important that she keeps virtual relationship with her former colleagues by utilizing their digital literacy. They will continue to use these tools to "enable learning and collaborations". I believe Sylvia's readiness and willingness to learn about her new location, culture, and school while teaching her new students will further her career and her students educational advancement.

"Leaving a Legacy" Summary 

Sylvia's post was about her grandmother being a gifted gardener. She passed 22 years ago however seeds that she planted those many years ago are still blooming beautiful roses. It was truly an inspiration to me because I know firsthand how difficult dealing with death of a loved one can be. To be able to see their fruits of their labor still producing and being notice long after their departure from this earth reminds you of their hard work & dedication. Doing what you love, working hard for what you love lives on forever in you & in the people you love. 

C4Ta #2


For my second C4T I was giving the blog post with great PE tools and new ideas. In the first blog I found out about a First aid recording app that could be used to record small accidents. It also showed  the measures that should be taken to ensure the safety of the person involved. In the video the app is explained and it shows that it could be used to rid people of the paperwork that could get lost while trying to file accidents.

Stretch It

In the second blog I read, I discovered an app in which the PEGeeks described and made flash cards to show cool-down and warm up stretches. Each card has a picture in which it shows what stretch or activity is to be done and how it should be done. As a PE teacher this could be great for students to see actually what they are stretching and why it is important to stretch. The app can be used on any iPad or iPhone.

Blog Post #8

What Can We Learn About Teaching and Learning From Randy Pausch?

Randy  Pausch
What I learned from Randy Pausch goes beyond just teaching and learning. He describes stories, tells us about his obstacles and leave us in shock in his final statements. We learn that we can’t change the hand we are dealt. What he means is that situations and things happen in life that we can’t change but we must accept them and move forward. Randy’s topic of discussion is not about how he is expected to die in 6 months from a tumor or about religion and what he feel he need to accomplish before he dies. Instead, he talks about his childhood dream and how he has worked his whole life to reach that dream.

Randy is a professor and he mentions how he gave a new assignment to one of his classes and the results he received were beyond his imagination.  His assignment was to have his students create a piece of work on a 2-week project. He was so mind blown from what they produced that he called his mentor to ask how do I tell my students that they all just received an A. His mentor said to him do not tell them, instead let them know they did ok but you expected a little more. He told Randy that he obviously didn’t know the limits of his students and that by giving away the excitement he could possible cage their possibilities. As a future educator that example meant so much to me because coming in as a new teacher you don’t always know your classroom limits and once you do limit them to certain work you eliminate the room for progression, creativity, and critical thinking. Never set the bar for your students because you are limiting them.

Randy left us with his final notes; he gives us ideas and things he thinks are important to use in life. The first was always remembered we can learn from our students. Always have fun with what you are doing, never lose the child-like wonders, help others, loyalty is a two way street, never give up, apologize when you mess up, and focus on other people. He also says brick walls let us show our dedication, they are there to separate us from people who really don’t want to reach their childhood dreams. Don’t bail, when people give you feedback but cherish it, show gratitude, don’t complain just work harder, find the best in everybody, and always be prepared. In the end Randy drops his two head fakes of the whole entire speech. The first one was that the discussion was not about chasing your childhood dreams but instead it was about how you should lead your life. And the second was that this final lecture was not for the audience or the people watching around the world but it was actually for his kids.

As Randy walked off the stage he received a standing ovation. His message was so empowering. I know it touched and open the eyes of many people in the audience. How could a man standing there in his final days smile, laugh and give credit to all those people who helped him along the way. Randy was a powerful man and presented a much-needed speech for the entire world to see. I will share his story and this link to others and hope they are just as motivated as I am to achieve my childhood dream and go after what I want in life. Thank you Randy Pausch.